June 2021 Newsletter

Let the sunshine in!

The Maverick team is sharing their favorite summer activities to stay active & happy!

“My favorite way to stay active during summer is by exercising regularly at the gym, swimming and playing golf in the a.m. when it’s not too hot.” - Dr. David, D.C.

“I’ve been teaching group fitness classes for 12 years, so I kinda get bored with indoor classes from time to time. In the summer, I like going to our local football stadium at dusk to run bleachers with my friends or my kids. I also like to get up early before it’s too hot and ride my bike around town and explore areas I’ve never seen.” - Erica, L.M.T

“In the summer, I love long walks with Waldo, my 11 month old Labradoodle, who weighs close to 90 lbs. It is great exercise for me and wears him out.” - Dr. Barnett

“My favorite way to stay active during summer is go on a morning bike ride with my family. I have seen a lot of young kiddos lately for sleep issues and through removing subluxations in their spine from the birth process or early childhood falls/injuries we have been able to help their little bodies function better. This has resulted it the parents reporting better sleep in their kiddos, which in turn keeps the whole family happy!” Dr. Josh, D.C.

“My morning starts everyday with a three and a half mile walk with my teenage daughter. We walk at a fast pace and spend our time reflecting, planning, observing and venting. Being outdoors is so good for the soul. We have watched the ducks at the park as they couple up and enjoy the ducklings as they grow. We catch glimpses of the Egrets and the Blue Herons. We have seen snakes and many bunnies along the way. Neighbors have become friends. We’ve walked in the rain, the snow and most definitely the heat. Find the time to be outdoors, whatever you chose to do. It changes your entire day!” - Marcy, L.M.T.

Whatever you choose to do, making regular appointments with your chiropractor will ensure you stay aligned & feeling good! We’d love to hear your favorite way to stay active this summer. Don’t forget the sunscreen & drink plenty of water!

Joshua FarmerComment